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BUEI TALKS - Dolphin Quest (The Science of Saving Cetaceans)

Our oceans are in crisis. Human impacts on wild dolphins and whales are increasing. Understanding those impacts and the needs of wild cetaceans is crucial to their survival. The Science of Saving Cetaceans
Tuesday, August 30th at 7:30pm

Meet world renowned dolphin expert Randall Wells, PhD (Director of the Chicago Zoological Society’s Sarasota Dolphin Research Program) and discover how wild dolphins have been affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Learn how Bermuda’s deep-diving dolphins echolocate to find prey and how they compare to other incredible deep-diving toothed whales from marine mammal biologist Frants Jensen, PhD (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark). Hear how these leading marine mammal biologists and their collaborators are unlocking the secrets of dolphin and whale behavior and physiology and why this is critical to cetacean conservation.

Click to download flyer for additional details.

Schedule of Events:
– Sushi Happy Hour at Harbourfront
6pm – Harbourfront opens for dinner
7:30pm – Lecture starts, BUEI Auditorium

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI)
40 Crow Lane, Hamilton

Tickets available by calling 294-0204 or visiting BUEI’s Oceans Gift Shop. 
BUEI Members: $20
Non-members : $25
Students: $10

About the Researchers

Randall Wells, PhD
Director Sarasota Dolphin Research Program
Chicago Zoological Society
Dr. Randall Wells is a senior scientist for the Bermuda Dolphin Tracking Project and Program Director of the Chicago Zoological Society’s Sarasota Dolphin Research Program, which is the world’s longest running study of a wild dolphin population. His research has provided unprecedented insights into the biology, behavior and health of wild bottlenose dolphins as well as the human impacts to their survival.


Frants Jensen, PhD
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies
Aarhus University, Denmark

Frants is a behavioral ecologist and bioacoustician interested in how social animals solve ecological challenges. His research is centered around high-resolution empirical studies of moving animal groups using biologging tags and studies of the function of biosonar in lab and wild animals. Frants got his PhD from Aarhus University in 2011 and has since held postdoctoral fellowships at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA, and Princeton University, NJ, USA. Currently, he is an AIAS COFUND Junior Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies.